Testing of metering system completed with filtration units at new 14” gasoline pipeline at zawia terminal

In the previous period, BPC thus delivered, installed and tested a metering system with filtration units on the new 14’’ gasoline pipeline at Zawia Terminal. The design and manufacturer of the complete system is Krohne Oil & Gas B.V. Netherlands, a world leader in manufacturing metering systems in the oil and gas industry.
The system is delivered as a skid mounted and consists of the following main equipment: custody transfer Altosonic 5 Ultrasonic Liquid flow meter, two basket filters, butterfly valves with electric auma actuators for switch the flow from one filter to another filter, butterfly control valves for flow regulation, gate valves for system isolation during maintenance, thermal safety valves, pressure gauge, differential pressure transmitter, temperature and pressure transmitter, drain and vent valves, power and instrumentation junction boxes for complete system. In addition, in the Client’s control room is installed control system consisting of the flow control panel with Summit 8800 Flow computer and Synenergy 3 HMI control and monitoring software.
System testing was done by the BPC team in collaboration with testing engineer of company Rida T.S., the official manufacturer’s representative for Libya, and Client representatives.
System testing was done in detail in accordance with the site acceptance testing procedure and according to the international standards of metering systems in the oil and gas industry. The testing was done very successfully, and the equipment was handed over to the end user for use, and BPC received the praise for a well-made job.